ESG, sustainability and responsible business

Responsible business, sustainable business, ESG (environmental, social, governance) - however you choose to term it - is moving up the boardroom agenda across sectors.

There is a rapidly growing recognition that value is about more than pure financial returns and businesses are grappling with many overlapping themes. They are decarbonising and engaging with the transition to a net zero economy. They are investigating their supply chains and focusing on human rights and labour abuses. They are valuing their people – their human capital. They are putting these factors at the heart of their strategy and governance structures.

Working out how your business should approach ESG, what good looks in terms of actions and transparency, what the expectations and obligations on your business are and how they are going to change is not easy.  There is a fast developing body of universal, and sector and issue specific, guidance and a variety of differing schemes and frameworks, using different metrics and disclosures. This is being reinforced by laws coming on line in a number of areas that impose at least base level requirements that may need to be accounted for in your ESG approach. There are many moving parts and no one size fits all.

Osborne Clarke has the people and the tools to help you. Find out more about the ESG agenda and how Osborne Clarke can help.

ESG, sustainability and responsible business

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