The New Deal for Consumers
The New Deal for Consumers is an overhaul of consumer law, giving it more teeth against non-compliant businesses, and bringing EU legislation (some of which was passed in the 90s) up to date for our modern, digital markets.
One of the most significant changes brought by the Consumer Omnibus Directive is the introduction of "GDPR-inspired" fines, meaning that national regulators may impose fines of not less than 4% of a trader's annual turnover (in the affected EU Member State(s)) in the event of 'widespread' consumer law infringements. This, combined with the proposed collective action enforcement mechanism, means that consumer law compliance is set to become a board level issue.
Going forward companies should be looking to achieve compliance by design for new products and services, and should start to review compliance for existing products and services now – to avoid scrambling to achieve compliance in advance of the deadline as was often the case with GDPR.

Article list

What are the pitfalls of modification clauses for tech businesses in Poland?
Polish watchdog investigates practices in the fast-moving consumer goods sector
Polish consumer watchdog has an eye on unfair complaint processes and future AI use
EU consumer group calls for ban on food climate-neutral claims
Permanent promotions mislead consumers, says Poland's consumer protection watchdog
International Funds Legal Update | 31 March 2023
UK government moves to regulate promotion of cryptoassets
Europe steps up 'greenwashing' vigilance with new directive proposal
Financial Conduct Authority lays down clear priorities for UK payments sector
Polish consumer watchdog targets e-commerce in the entertainment industry
New rules on advertisements for virtual currencies in Belgium
Consumer credit reform in the UK: where now?
Italy implements the 'Omnibus' Directive
UK's Ofcom opens consultation on HFSS advertising restrictions
Dark patterns and sustainability remain a target for Poland's consumer protection authority
Enforcement risks mount in Germany for comparison and intermediary platforms
A new reality dawns for Polish e-commerce in 2023
UK regulators ask how AI and Big Tech can transform financial services
UK to legislate to empower Digital Markets Unit and to protect consumers
A New Deal for UK consumers?
A government consultation is proposing an overhaul of UK consumer and competition law policy.
OC Consumer Briefing | What implications does the New Deal for Consumers have for the "dual quality" products sold in the EU and what steps do businesses need to take to comply?
The New Deal for Consumers introduces new legislation designed to protect consumers from receiving goods which are of an inferior...
What is the New Deal For Consumers?
As the 'New Deal for Consumers' navigates the EU's legislative process, what is the progress so far, what prompted the...
Are you getting ready for the New Deal for Consumers?
It's time to start planning for the reforms that are introducing 'GDPR level' fines for breaches of consumer law –...
OC Consumer Briefing on search result transparency: What do businesses need to do to come out on top?
The New Deal for Consumer introduces new transparency obligations for businesses, including a requirement to disclose their search ranking criteria...
OC Consumer Briefings | What is the impact of Class Actions for Compensation coming to the EU?
The EU has now published its long-awaited draft proposal to create a means for EU consumers to get compensation through...
Huge GDPR-style fines loom for breaches of consumer law across Europe
Consumer-facing businesses need to focus on compliance as the 'New Deal for Consumers' Omnibus Directive is rolled out and regulators...
What was driving the legal and business agenda in 2018, and what's coming up in 2019?
As we look forward to 2019, what has been driving the agenda over the past 12 months? Which issues will...
New Deal for Consumers: European Data Protection Supervisor concerned reforms could undermine GDPR
In an Opinion published on 5 October 2018, the European Data Protection Supervisor has raised concerns and made some significant...

International Funds Legal Update | 8 November 2023
What are the pitfalls of modification clauses for tech businesses in Poland?
Polish watchdog investigates practices in the fast-moving consumer goods sector
Polish consumer watchdog has an eye on unfair complaint processes and future AI use
EU consumer group calls for ban on food climate-neutral claims
Permanent promotions mislead consumers, says Poland's consumer protection watchdog
International Funds Legal Update | 31 March 2023
UK government moves to regulate promotion of cryptoassets
Europe steps up 'greenwashing' vigilance with new directive proposal
Financial Conduct Authority lays down clear priorities for UK payments sector
Polish consumer watchdog targets e-commerce in the entertainment industry
New rules on advertisements for virtual currencies in Belgium
Consumer credit reform in the UK: where now?
Italy implements the 'Omnibus' Directive
UK's Ofcom opens consultation on HFSS advertising restrictions
Dark patterns and sustainability remain a target for Poland's consumer protection authority
Enforcement risks mount in Germany for comparison and intermediary platforms
A new reality dawns for Polish e-commerce in 2023
UK regulators ask how AI and Big Tech can transform financial services
UK to legislate to empower Digital Markets Unit and to protect consumers
A New Deal for UK consumers?
A government consultation is proposing an overhaul of UK consumer and competition law policy.
OC Consumer Briefing | What implications does the New Deal for Consumers have for the "dual quality" products sold in the EU and what steps do businesses need to take to comply?
The New Deal for Consumers introduces new legislation designed to protect consumers from receiving goods which are of an inferior...
What is the New Deal For Consumers?
As the 'New Deal for Consumers' navigates the EU's legislative process, what is the progress so far, what prompted the...
Are you getting ready for the New Deal for Consumers?
It's time to start planning for the reforms that are introducing 'GDPR level' fines for breaches of consumer law –...
OC Consumer Briefing on search result transparency: What do businesses need to do to come out on top?
The New Deal for Consumer introduces new transparency obligations for businesses, including a requirement to disclose their search ranking criteria...
OC Consumer Briefings | What is the impact of Class Actions for Compensation coming to the EU?
The EU has now published its long-awaited draft proposal to create a means for EU consumers to get compensation through...
Huge GDPR-style fines loom for breaches of consumer law across Europe
Consumer-facing businesses need to focus on compliance as the 'New Deal for Consumers' Omnibus Directive is rolled out and regulators...
What was driving the legal and business agenda in 2018, and what's coming up in 2019?
As we look forward to 2019, what has been driving the agenda over the past 12 months? Which issues will...
New Deal for Consumers: European Data Protection Supervisor concerned reforms could undermine GDPR
In an Opinion published on 5 October 2018, the European Data Protection Supervisor has raised concerns and made some significant...
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