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The incorporation of Spanish private limited liability companies fully online

According to Directive (EU) 2019/1151, of 20 June 2019, amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards the use of digital tools

Managing Covid-19

Does UK government COVID-19 support come with strings attached?

Will the government impose restrictions on the activities of companies which have accessed the UK government's COVID-19 support mechanisms –

Managing Covid-19

CLBILS gets larger: Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme cap to increase

The Treasury is reportedly considering increasing the cap on CLBILS from loans of £50m to £200m.

Managing Covid-19

Coronavirus | Protecting your UK business: an overview

As the UK government begins to lift restrictions, for many there will be a shift in the operational, financial and

Managing Covid-19

Is Corporate Governance still relevant during the Pandemic?

While the Novel Coronavirus is a humanitarian catastrophe its crippling effect on the world economy has, and will continue to

Code on Companies & Associations

The SRD II and technical amendments to the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations

Nearly one year after the Belgian Code on Companies and Associations (BCCA) entered into force on 1 May 2019, the

Code on Companies & Associations

The SRD II addresses conflicts of interests and related party transactions

To avoid the risk that the board of directors (or, in some cases, the shareholders' meeting) will make a material

Managing Covid-19

Contracts and COVID-19: FAQs about the impact of the pandemic in German law

The coronavirus emergency raises questions about contractual obligations and relationships in German law, and the application and flexibility of these

Managing Covid-19

Dutch COVID-19 Temporary Act adopted to address practical corporate governance challenges

In order to address some of the management and governance challenges faced by Dutch legal entities as a result of