Further to a proposal by the Hon. Marco Follini, president of the Television Producers’ Association (APT), partner Federico M. Ferrara will sit on the technical committee for the monitoring of the dynamics relating to supports and equipment associated with downloading of private copies for use, chaired by the Minister for Culture and Tourism Dario Franceschini and the SIAE Control Officer Rossana Rummo. Also taking part in the technical committee is the Chairman of the Italian Competition Authority, Giovanni Pitruzzella.

The result of the work of the committee will be of support to the Minister in view of the forthcoming issue of a decree settinig the fee for private copies pursuant to the first paragraph of article 71-septies of the Italian Copyright Law.

APT, as the most representative trades association for the category of television producers, is in fact the entity appointed by the Italian collecting rights society, SIAE, for the sharing of the quotas deriving from private copies among the producers of television works and their rights holders.

APT is a member of the Confindustria trades association and of Confindustria Cultura Italia.

The technical committee first sat on 5 March 2015 at the invitation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Prof. Giampaolo D’Andrea.

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