Telecoms | Regulatory Outlook September 2022
Published on 28th Sep 2022
Telecoms network and service providers to implement new security measures in UK by 2024 | EU announces consultation on requiring tech giants to contribute to telecommunications network costs

Telecoms network and service providers to implement new security measures in UK by 2024
In an attempt to protect the UK telecoms network against hostile cyberattacks, the Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021 came into force in November 2021 and introduced a stronger security framework for providers of public electronic communications networks and services and tighter restrictions on the supply of services by "high risk vendors" into sensitive core parts of UK 5G and full fibre networks.
Using the powers granted to it under the Telecoms Security Act, the UK government has now consulted on a draft regulation and code of practice intended to address security risks to public telecoms networks and services.
You can read more about the Act and its potential impact in our Insight published earlier this month.
EU announces consultation on requiring tech giants to contribute to telecommunications network costs
The European Union announced on 9 September that it will be launching a consultation to explore whether tech giants should be making a contribution to the cost of Europe's telecommunications network. Such a contribution would be justified on the basis that these large tech firms account for a large proportion of internet traffic in the Europe.
The consultation is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2023 and take five to six months.