All Insights

Competition, antitrust and trade

UK Digital Markets Taskforce calls for information to shape new competition law framework for digital markets

New taskforce looks to build on work of the Furman review and adopt a radical approach with preventative controls rather

Tech, Media and Comms

UK enforcement regime for platforms for business announced: what you need to know

The UK government has published the legislation establishing the enforcement regime for the EU platform for business regulation. The UK

Managing Covid-19

Exiting lockdown | How to remain privacy-compliant when carrying out medical monitoring and testing

Medical monitoring and testing plays a vital role in combatting Covid-19, but it is important to remain compliant with privacy

The Built Environment

The use of next-generation connectivity in the construction industry

Can 5G help to overcome some of the challenges we see on construction projects – and what are the hurdles

IT and data

Data: making best use of a valuable asset

Businesses in all sectors are focusing more than ever on how they can digitise and enhance their interactions with customers