Bellevue will take over all employees and the entire range of funds with combined assets under management of approximately CHF 2.5 billion. The completion of the transaction is subject to approval by Swiss and German regulatory bodies FINMA and BaFin. The acquisition enables Bellevue to continue pursuing its objective of a broad diversification across different asset classes and expand its range of services. StarCapital will continue to be run as an independent brand.
The Osborne Clarke team that advised on the acquisition was led by Partner Dr Björn Hürten who was assisted by Efthimios Detsikas, Annette Simon, Philipp Reeb (all Corporate / M&A), Tanja Aschenbeck-Florange, Thorge Drefke (both supervisory law), Matthias Terlau, Charlotte Strese (both capital markets law), Annabel Lehnen, Yann Brugière (both employment law), Joachim Breithaupt, Nadia Reinders, Dirk Roßmann (all tax law), Felix Hilgert (IT law), Janos Mahlo (real estate law) and Ingo Alexander Spahr (competition law). Osborne Clarke worked alongside Swiss law firm Meyerlustenberger Lachenal with Daniel Schoch, Andrea Sieber and Alexandra Linder.
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