Osborne Clarke has advised machine intelligence and artificial intelligence-focused investor Cortical Ventures on the financing of start-up Immerok. Together with Cusp Capital, 468 Capital, Essence VC and business angels such as Stephan Ewen (co-founder of Apache Flink), Cortical Ventures invested USD 17 million in the course of the seed financing round. 

Immerok: The Berlin-based DeepTech start-up, founded by former Data Artisans employees Konstantin Knauf, Johannes Moser and Holger Temme, focuses entirely on the topic of Real Time Data Streaming Analytics. What does that mean? Immerok offers a cloud service for Apache Flink, a stream processor framework from the Apache Software Foundation, which as an open-source tool enables the streaming and processing of large amounts of data. The highlight: Immerok's offering is serverless, which significantly simplifies management when processing streaming data. 

Shortly before the start of an early access programme, the successful seed financing round was announced. The USD 17 million raised is expected to more than double the current 20-member team and drive product development.

The team advising Cortical Ventures consisted of Nicolas Gabrysch and Maximilian Vocke (both Corporate / Venture Capital).

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