Osborne Clarke advised VR Ventures and Force Over Mass as leaders in a EUR 4 Million seed round for Berlin-based Fintech Banxware.

Furthermore, several Fintech pioneers from the payments and SME lending space have joined the initiative, including: HTGF, a public-private venture capital investment firm based in Bonn, Jan Kaniess and Carl Frederic Zitscher, the founders of Payone, Alex Urdea, Principal at Upper90, a New York City based debt and equity fund, as well as Paula Blazquez Solano, Principal at Innocells, the venture arm of Banco Sabadell in Spain.

Banxware is a software-as-a-service provider for Embedded Financial Services that enables digital platforms such as marketplaces, payments providers, and other aggregators to offer white label financial products, especially loans, to merchants.

According to their own statement Banxware will use the investment to develop and grow its embedded white label financial services offering and its team, as well as expand sales to digital platforms across Europe. Banxware will soon offer card-based products and other financial services, complementing its existing lending solution to business customers of platforms.

The Osborne Clarke team consisted of Maximilian Vocke (Lead, Corporate/VC), Nicolas Gabrysch und Dana Alpar (both Corporate/VC), Felix Hilgert und Robert Briske (both IT), Jens Wrede (Tax), Robert Rentsch (Employment) und Marco Aatz (Antitrust).

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