Sophie is a senior associate in our Dutch Tech, Media and Comms team. With nine years of experience as a lawyer, Sophie specializes in contract law, IT law and consumer law. 

For both Dutch and international clients, Sophie draws up contracts, negotiates them and advises on their execution, amendment or termination. Especially in the field of service provision, cooperation, distribution and commercial agency, franchise, long-term agreements, and general terms and conditions (B2B and B2C).

Sophie's secondments in 2019 and 2022 with large technology companies, and her post-graduate education in (inter)national contract law in 2020-2021, allow her to translate complex legal issues into practical solutions for her clients. Sophie's current practice focuses on advising  both customers and suppliers on procurement or provision of (IT) services.

Work experience

  • Secondment global provider of charging solutions for electric vehicles (2022)
  • Secondment European IT consultancy firm (2022)
  • Secondment international technology company (2019)
  • Ekelmans Advocaten N.V. (2014-2018)


  • Grotius Academy, specialisation course National and International Contracting (cum laude, 2021)
  • Professional training for the legal profession (2018)
  • University of Groningen, LL.M. (2013)

NOvA Register
Sophie has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • Contracting (Verbintenissenrecht)

Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.
