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Managing Covid-19

Royal Decree Law 7/2020: Urgent socio-economic measures to respond to the economic impact of COVID-19

Royal Decree Law 7/2020, of 12 March, adopting urgent measures to respond to the economic impact of COVID-19 represents the

Managing Covid-19

'State of alarm': Spanish business and the Covid-19 lockdown

On 14 March 2020, the Spanish Government declared a "state of alarm" through the Royal Decree 463/2020, as an attempt

Managing Covid-19

State aid | How can governments support businesses in the midst of the coronavirus crisis?

As the coronavirus causes significant economic losses for companies and for the citizens across the Union, affected businesses are asking

Managing Covid-19

Employment law in Germany: the implication of the COVID-19 outbreak on employers

With thousands of confirmed cases of Coronavirus and its borders now closed, Germany's businesses face major disruption which raises a

Managing Covid-19

Corporate transactions: the impact of COVID-19 internationally

With coronavirus now officially categorised by the World Health Organization as a pandemic, businesses will be renewing their focus on

Managing Covid-19

Will coronavirus be a force majeure event? It depends on your governing law

Where coronavirus causes business disruption, from fulfilment of deliveries to cancellation of events, a common question is whether commercial parties

Managing Covid-19

Budget 2020: employers to benefit from £12 billion plan to firefight coronavirus

Chancellor Rishi Sunak today (11 March 2020) delivered in his first Budget a coronavirus battle plan that promises to keep

Managing Covid-19

International employers: five considerations amid the Covid-19 emergency

Employers faced with coping with the coronavirus (Covid 19) outbreak need to put in place measures to protect, as far

Managing Covid-19

Preliminary remarks on the Italian Government's urgent provisions for COVID-19

Osborne Clarke has prepared a report to help clients dealing with the various legal issues arising from the DPCM 8