All Insights

Real estate

Collecting cash in the construction industry: tools for chasing debtors in light of further Government restrictions

The government has extended the restriction on the enforcement of statutory demands until 31 December 2020. The extension from the


Quantum computing | Ground-breaking commercial opportunities from solving the (as yet) unsolvable

Quantum computers will support powerful commercial applications by solving currently intractable problems. We consider the pathway to bringing this technology

Mobility and Infrastructure

Defence Infrastructure Organisation publishes £3bn procurement pipeline

Details of future spending plans on infrastructure over the coming years for the UK armed forces will help suppliers better


Time for a new onshore professional fund?

Tracey Wright and Alison Riddle explore this new proposal for Estates Gazette magazine

Dispute resolution

Adjudication for insolvent parties | A higher bar than first thought?

In the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that an insolvent company can adjudicate, the TCC have confirmed that there

Dispute resolution

What do the latest government measures mean for the construction industry?

Although the direction to work from home does not apply to site workers, the latest changes will put a focus

The Built Environment

UK government extends restrictions on commercial landlords' enforcement options

The existing restrictions on commercial landlords' ability to take enforcement action against commercial tenants who are in arrears of rent

Infrastructure services

Cornerstone v University of the Arts London decision has potential to help unlock stalled Code negotiations

Tribunal provides clarity on terms typically contained in agreements under the Electronic Communications Code that could help boost the rollout