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Workforce Solutions

Using agency staff to break strikes in the UK – rhetoric or reality?

It is unclear how serious the government is in its proposals to change the law around strikes and agency workers
Workforce Solutions

First judicial pronouncements on remote work agreements

After the intense expansion of remote work in the Spanish labor market, accelerated to a great extent by the Covid
Workforce Solutions

Global Workforce Solutions Takeaway Podcast: How employer of record models work in different countries

Welcome to the second episode in our Global Workforce Solutions Takeaway podcast
Workforce Solutions

Four key HR issues that enhance the value of Workforce Solutions companies

What steps should businesses be taking to reassure investors and purchasers as they ready themselves for sale or investment?
Workforce Solutions

How to help Ukrainian nationals in the UK find work outside the sponsorship route

The UK has set up two schemes to enable Ukrainians to work freely in the UK including for or via
Workforce Solutions

Global Workforce Solutions Takeaway Podcast: M&A trends for WS companies

Welcome to the first episode in our Global Workforce Solutions Takeaway podcast

Regulatory and compliance

The Queen's Speech – what not to expect: Employment Bill, audit reform, and digital markets enforcement

As speculation mounts about what the UK government's legislative programme will contain, we consider some of the proposals that are
Workforce Solutions

Off-payroll working under an umbrella?

Kevin Barrow considers how businesses have adapted to cope with the changes to the IR35 off-payroll working regime that were
Future of work

Effects of the labour reform in the field of collective bargaining

Royal Decree-Law 32/2021 of 28 December has introduced changes in the area of collective bargaining as part of its overall
Future of work

Employees from Ukraine – how to hire them?

Over 4 million people have already left the war-torn Ukraine in search of safety and shelter. Most of them –
Regulatory and compliance

Could the floodgates open for claims for workplace exposure to Covid-19?

UK employers face a rising risk of personal injury claims by employees who allege they contracted the virus while at