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Life Sciences and Healthcare

UK government backs breakthrough tech with £375m future fund

Successor to a coronavirus support scheme as well as a new sovereign investment partnership offer crucial access to capital for

Intellectual property

Would a global vaccine IP waiver stifle future biopharma breakthroughs?

Pressure for an IP rights waiver to fight the pandemic threatens vaccine companies' ability to develop and protect their trade


Can gene-editing help solve the energy crisis?

What role can biofuels play in fighting climate change and can CRISPR sequencing technology help it reach its potential?

Life Sciences and Healthcare

Covid-19: Mitigating the increased risks of corruption in the Life Sciences and Healthcare sector

The pandemic, coupled with the significant economic downturn, continues to produce pressures on businesses that could prove to be fertile

Life Sciences and Healthcare

Employee options for fast-growth life sciences and healthcare companies

Attracting, and retaining, talent in today's competitive job market is a key contributor to the success of many businesses. This

Life Sciences and Healthcare

Why international arbitration is ideally suited for the Life Sciences and Healthcare sector

Private, flexible and easily enforceable across much of the world, it is not hard to see why international arbitration is


Blockchain and its role in the fight against Covid

With the ability to provide a secure and reliable record of vaccine delivery, the technology is set to play a

Life Sciences and Healthcare

Considerations and best practices for Belgian listed biotech companies when assessing and disclosing inside information

What are the best practices for biotech companies in relation to inside information and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets

Life Sciences and Healthcare

Considerations and best practices for Belgian listed biotech companies when assessing and disclosing inside information (Part 2)

How does the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) determine what qualifies as inside information for biotech companies?

Intellectual property

Illuminating insufficiency: the English Patents Court examines "Regeneron ranges"

In applying the insufficiency principles laid down in Regeneron, the High Court highlights some key considerations for patentees looking to