Osborne Clarke has been announced as a diversity champion employer in Bristol's Stepping Up Excellence Awards. The award was presented at the Firm's Temple Back office by Councillor Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor, following Bristol's Stepping Up programme graduation ceremony in Bristol Museums and Art Gallery, Clifton.

Osborne Clarke was acknowledged for playing a vital role in supporting the programme since its inception, and Julian Hemming a Partner and mentor on the programme, graciously accepted the award. 

Hemming commented: "Stepping Up is an outstanding local programme that's making great strides in Bristol. It's been a pleasure for myself and the rest of our team to take part, but also to see the impact Stepping Up has made over the last three years. 

"Diversity and inclusion are essential elements of our business strategy. Promoting equality, and developing a culture where all our people feel respected, treated fairly and are able to give their best makes sense for so many reasons from driving engagement to improving retention, and it leads to a better overall working culture as well."

Programme Director and architect of Stepping Up, Christine Bamford, commented on the award: "Osborne Clarke has supported Stepping Up's Diversity Leadership programme since the very start, back in 2018. Truly Stepping Up would not have happened without Osborne Clarke's initial support of venues and mentors."

Councillor Asher Craig, Cabinet Member for Children Services, Education and Equalities, commented: “I am very pleased to be presenting this award to Osborne Clarke. Stepping Up is one of our key interventions in tackling inequality in Bristol and Osborne Clarke have shown real continuous commitment toward the  programme. Their contribution is invaluable to past and future cohort members who have taken up local and national leadership positions.”  

Stepping Up aims to unlock potential and develop talent while ensuring a fair representation of Black, Asian, ethnic minority, disabled people and women in positions of leadership.  Now in its fourth year, the programme has supported 300 diverse leaders who have graduated or are due to graduate and 170 have secured new roles or set up their own businesses. One hundred corporate mentors from across all sectors offered their time to support a Stepping Up or Horumar Somali Woman participant. Participants from Gloucester, Gloucestershire and Bath have now joined Bristol to create a south west eco-system of diverse leaders making a difference to the culture and economic growth or the region.

Award presentation

Stepping UP 4th Cohort

Pictured 1 LtR: Julian Hemming, Councillor Asher Craig, Christine Bamford, Su Akgun. 
Pictured 2: Stepping up fourth cohort. 
Image credit: Harsha Parmar

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