Thomas Daily is a leading provider of market information for the German real estate industry. CoStar aims to maintain the company’s growth with the acquisition.

The Osborne Clarke team that advised on the takeover was led by Partner Dr Björn Hürten who was assisted by Annette Simon, Efthimios Detsikas (all Corporate / M&A), Konstantin Ewald, Adrian Schneider, Lisa Deuster, Felix Hilgert, Dr Marc Störing (all IT law), Annabel Lehnen, Andreas Grillo, Jan Kielwein (all Employment law), Dr Gerd Hoor, Dirk Roßmann, Nico Schley, Süleymann Karabudak (all Tax law), Jan Hellenbrand, Jil Biener (both IP law), Mark Gebauer, Dr Daniel Walter (both Capital markets law/Finance), Thomas Schnabel, Janos Mahlo (both Real Estate law) and Ingo Alexander Spahr (Competition law).

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