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What might the impact be in the UK of prospective US bankruptcy of WeWork?

UK members will want to monitor the situation and prepare for contingencies as US company experiences financial difficulties
Real estate

Court of Appeal in England and Wales rules against landlord seeking to oppose a statutory renewal lease

'No fault' grounds will be considered cumulatively and through the whole tenancy, as court exercises its discretion to assess them
Knowledge Notes

What to expect from the UK King's Speech

In what is likely to be the last Parliamentary session before the next general election, capacity for new measures is
Real estate

Levelling Up and Regeneration Act brings potentially significant change for real estate in England

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act is a wide-ranging and ambitious piece of legislation, with the potential to drive fundamental
Regulatory Outlook

Environment | UK Regulatory Outlook October 2023

UK government publishes draft Vehicle Emissions trading schemes order | Consultation opens on proposed ban of wet wipes containing plastic
Regulatory Outlook

Health and safety | UK Regulatory Outlook October 2023

New building safety regime | Government guidance for people with duties under fire safety laws | EU Parliament approves new

What tax measures could be expected under a Labour government?

The shadow chancellor set out her tax priorities at the annual Labour Party conference
Real estate

The rollout of UK Electronic Communications Code changes continues one year on

What impact are new rules that have been introduced since last December having on network operators and site providers?
Real estate

What the future holds for UK charity business rates relief

Property owners should expect further scrutiny from local authorities on available rates reliefs and mitigation schemes
Navigating restructuring plans

Approaching restructuring plans as a landlord in the UK retail and consumer sector

Early engagement, targeted information requests and use of the court's disclosure powers may assist consideration of whether to support or
Regulatory Outlook

Health and safety | UK Regulatory Outlook September 2023

HSE to inspect construction sites from September | Registration of residential high-rise buildings by October 2023 | Regulations on new
Regulatory Outlook

Environment | UK Regulatory Outlook September 2023

Developers, are you ready for biodiversity net gain obligations? | Consultation launched on SFDR implementation and options to improve framework