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Managing Covid-19

Soutenir les entreprises en France pendant la crise du Covid-19 : les nouveautés sur le régime de l'activité partielle

L'activité partielle temporaire est un régime spécifique existant en France pour soutenir les entreprises confrontées à un déclin d'activité /

Managing Covid-19

Innovating in times of crisis: insolvency-proof contracts under Dutch law

With a recession appearing to be inevitable, for many companies innovation is more important than ever. Innovating and contracting in

Managing Covid-19

Being Privacy Compliant During COVID-19

Originally published by our relationship firm BTG Legal, the legal adviser to Osborne Clarke’s clients in India, this PDF highlights

Managing Covid-19

Dispute resolution and COVID-19

In this series of articles, we look at how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the resolution of commercial disputes in

Managing Covid-19

Legal implications for the energy sector as a result of the COVID-19 state of alert in Spain

Since Spain has been in a state of alarm, the government has drawn up various packages of social and economic

Managing Covid-19

Dispute Resolution and COVID-19 | Resolving commercial disputes through remote mediation

Remote mediation will come into its own in the coming months as businesses grapple with disruption in the court system