Employment and pensions

Should access to the internet be a fundamental right?

Published on 10th Jun 2021

The House of Lords recently published a report following its inquiry into how a rapidly increasing reliance on digital technology, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, may have a long-term impact on the social and economic well-being of the nation.


What is digital inequality?

While acknowledging that there is no simple, universal definition of digital inequality, the report states that the term is used as "it captures the wider implications, for issues such as health, education and work, of inadequate digital access ". Digital inequality addresses not only access to the internet but also access to fast and reliable internet. The report highlights that currently 11% of households in the UK do not have internet access, and around 600,000 premises are unable to receive "decent" broadband.

The problem is bigger than simply not having access to Skype or emails. The report refers to the evidence of Helen Milner , Group Chief Executive of Good Things Foundation, that digitally excluded individuals cannot apply for work online and so are excluded from the majority of employment opportunities., and cannot manage their finances online and are excluded from the financial and advice services that are made available online."

Digital inequality has been widely recognised in children from disadvantaged and/or poorer house-holds. Children may not have access to their own devices and are less likely to have a quiet place to study. They spend fewer hours doing online learning than their peers and have less face-to-face contact with their teachers.

Refugees and asylum seekers are also greatly affected by digital inequality. They receive £39 a week from the government. This often means that affording data or access to digital services is not possible. The report notes that those living off this money are often choosing between food and digital access.

What is the solution?

The report offers a number of possible solutions. These include local councils and the government working towards ensuring universal access to the internet and providing financial support for those who cannot afford the internet. For instance, adapting Child Benefit to include a grant enabling families to pay for internet access and adding an element to Universal Credit payments to pay for internet access for recipients.
Other suggested solutions involve using libraries, community centres, education settings, volunteers and digital champions to provide digital access and support for people developing their digital skills. The report also proposes the introduction of a legal right to internet access and digital infrastructure, to be regulated in a way that gives individuals a right to redress.

While these more long-term solutions are considered, the report recommends that the government work with internet providers to develop a scheme which would provide affordable internet to those in poverty and on low incomes and suitable, safe devices on which to use it.

How can employers help?

Although not mentioned in the report, as companies focus more on their ESG obligations, employers could also give back to their local communities and help with this effort to provide internet access for the digitally excluded and upskilling those who may be less technologically savvy. Companies could offer their offices as learning spaces in the evenings or on weekends, or provide equipment. The report highlights that 82% of advertised jobs now require digital skills. Therefore, the current and future workforces need training in both simple and more complex digital skills.

Other suggestions in the report

As well as the suggestions for reducing digital inequality in the UK, the report mentions that policies should now be created with a hybrid world in mind, considering both the positive and negative impacts of technology. Policies should be created to reflect the needs of the various communities, and a "one size fits all" approach should not be adopted. Face-to-face services and interactions should not be ignored.

While hybrid working will be the norm for a lot of industries, employers must not forget that certain jobs cannot be done remotely, and that the government should ensure that both the school curriculum and adult skills provision adequately meet the needs of the hybrid world. These should be easily adaptable to new needs in the workplace, and should reflect the actual demands of the workforce.

As well as improving internet access and speed, digital resilience and digital infrastructure must be developed, or both people and critical infrastructure are at greater risk of cyber-attacks.

This article was written by Capucine de Hennin, Trainee Solicitor



* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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