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Real estate

What's on the horizon for English real estate in 2024?

Expect more focus on sustainability, transparency and building safety and significant reforms for residential property

Spain's 'Beckham Law': recent changes and the current state of play

The Personal Income Tax Regulations, Form 149 required for applying for the impatriate regime, and Form 151 for filing Income

Autumn Statement 2023 confirms UK's Construction Industry Scheme reforms

The government is to implement changes to the deduction scheme from April 2024

Autumn Statement 2023: what UK business tax measures were announced?

More fiscal headroom enabled tax cuts and business incentives to be announced in the chancellor's statement

The Constitutional Court endorses the Temporary Solidarity Tax on Major Fortunes

The ruling was supported by the dissenting vote of four of the twelve judges who make up the Constitutional Court

Autumn Statement 2023: what business tax measures can the UK expect?

Immediate tax cuts and giveaways are unlikely to feature in the chancellor's statement on 22 November

Employment-related securities options: UK Supreme Court clarifies deeming provisions

The Supreme Court has allowed HMRC's appeal in a long-running employee share options case

What tax measures could be expected under a Labour government?

The shadow chancellor set out her tax priorities at the annual Labour Party conference

Spain's tax authority allows tax exemption on renewable energy projects

General Directorate of Taxes confirms capital gains exemption on the sale of SPVs that have not started activity
Real estate

What the future holds for UK charity business rates relief

Property owners should expect further scrutiny from local authorities on available rates reliefs and mitigation schemes
Employment and pensions

Dutch government proposes bill to provide more clarity on workers' status

The bill is part of broad labour market reforms for greater security for workers and more agility for entrepreneurs