Order of closure to the public of tourist accommodation establishments

Published on 20th Mar 2020

Spain has been in a state of alert since 14 March 2020, when Royal Decree 463/2020 came into force, declaring the state of alert for the management of the health crisis situation caused by coronavirus COVID-19 (the "RD 463/2020"). Among the measures provided for in RD 463/2020 to try to contain the spread of COVID-19 disease are restrictions on the freedom of movement of persons and the closure to the public of certain establishments.

By means of Order SND/257/2020, of 19 March, declaring the suspension of the opening to the public of tourist accommodation establishments, in accordance with article 10.6 of Royal Decree 463/2020 (the "Order"), certain aspects are specified that are necessary for the effective implementation of this measure of suspension and temporary closure. The most relevant provisions included in the Order are the following:

  • Suspension of the opening of tourist accommodation establishments to the public

It has been agreed to suspend the opening to the public, throughout Spain, of hotels and similar accommodation, tourist and other short-stay accommodation, campsites, caravan parks and other similar establishments.

The closure of these establishments will take place when there are no customers left and, in any case, within a maximum period of seven calendar days from the entry into force of the Order (i.e. 26 March 2020).

  • Exceptions for certain long-term and seasonal tourist accommodation establishments

Tourist establishments hosting customers who were already guests when the alarm was declared may remain open on a stable and seasonal basis. This will require establishments to have adequate infrastructure to comply with the security measures provided for in RD 463/2020 (e.g. avoiding crowds, maintaining a safe distance).

The Order came into force on March 19 2020, when it was published in the Official State Gazette. The measures contemplated therein related to the closure to the public of certain establishments and the suspension of activities will last as long as the state of alarm remains in force.

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* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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