All Insights

Intellectual property

What qualifies as a legitimate reason to object to parallel trade of medicines in Europe?

Trade mark owners are able to object to the parallel trade of medicines provided that there are legitimate reasons
Intellectual property

What are the patentability implications of deregulating gene editing in plants in the EU?

The European Parliament has voted to embrace more flexibility in the regulation of gene-edited plants but has proposed a ban
Life Sciences and Healthcare

Navigating Belgium's life sciences terrain: a strategic overview

Insights into regulations, trends, and strategic pathways for the pharmaceutical, medical device and food (supplement) industries
Life Sciences and Healthcare

EU assesses competition picture of the pharma sector

Commission reports to the Council on how EU antitrust and merger rules in the pharmaceutical sector have been enforced in
Regulatory and compliance

The UK Procurement Act 2023 brings new rules for frameworks and dynamic markets

The changes that are set to be introduced later this year could prove useful for both suppliers and authorities
Intellectual property

Updated EPO examination guidelines address AI, accelerated oppositions and antibody claims

The European Patent Office's new guidelines entered into force on 1 March

English High Court considers limitation of liability for dishonest breach

The case reinforces the importance of clear drafting and the courts' literal approach to interpreting clauses
Life Sciences and Healthcare

Will cannabis now be legal in Germany? German parliament passes new Cannabis Act

Cannabis legalisation for recreational use in Germany is coming – however only as a limited partial decriminalisation for now.
Tech, Media and Comms

Technology, Media, and Communications Annual Review 2024: key themes

AI, digital regulation, M&A and emerging 'inclusive' policies are among the areas of focus for this year's review
Regulatory and compliance

Reform of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013 takes shape for GB

Modernisation of the regulatory framework aims to reduce the administrative burden for businesses in Great Britain
Urban Dynamics

Future Foods Update | January 2024

This month's edition includes novel food authorisations in Europe, IP in meat terminology, supply of service contracts, venture capital investment
Life Sciences and Healthcare

Novel food regulations permit the arrival of insect flour in Italy

Italy publishes four ministerial decrees regulating the labelling and sale of products using insect meal, that go further than EU