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Workforce Solutions

The 'NHS Test and Trace Service': What does this mean for employers and staffing suppliers?

The government has launched a new 'NHS Test and Trace' service (T&T) to identify the "close contacts" of anyone who

Workforce Solutions

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme risks: Government announces clawback regime

Many companies are receiving very large payments from HMRC under the job retention scheme, with the government reported to be

Managing Covid-19

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme risks: Government announces clawback regime

Many companies are receiving very large payments from HMRC under the job retention scheme, with the government reported to be

Managing Covid-19

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: 10 June cut off and 'flexible furloughing' from July

As the government looks to kick-start the economy, employers will need to consider how flexible furloughing and a slow tapering

Managing Covid-19

Investor challenges amid the Covid-19 crisis create a platform for social change

As investors turn their minds to a gradual return from lockdown, those with a focus on ESG – and how

Managing Covid-19

The 'NHS Test and Trace Service': What does this mean for employers?

Employers will need to understand and carefully manage their role in the test and trace process, and the potential impact