All Insights

Banking and finance

UK regulator's guidance for financial promotions on social media set for revamp

The overhaul aims to keep pace with the rapidly changing online landscape while tackling non-compliant and illegal ads
Financial Services

Singapore proposes regulation for digital payment token services

Asset segregation, lending and staking, and incentive restrictions are the main reforms raised in a recent MAS paper

Exploring the EU MiCAR crypto-asset transfer service

The new EU rules specify 10 crypto-asset services and our MiCAR 'deep dive' series opens with a look at transfer

Crypto-assets regulation in Spain and MiCAR

What are the next steps for crypto-asset service providers after the publication of MiCAR?
Financial Services

UK consults on reform to anti-money laundering supervision

Four potential models include a proposal for a single supervisor that would significantly impact financial service firms
Regulatory Outlook

Fintech, digital assets, payments and consumer credit | UK Regulatory Outlook July 2023

FCA letter to cryptoasset firms on changes to financial promotion rules | Parliamentary inquiry into lending to SMEs and access
Financial Services

Chancellor reaffirms UK move towards a 'smarter regulatory framework'

Mansion House speech supports post-Brexit rewrite of the financial services rulebook and payments industry reforms
Financial Services

UK boosts consumer protection against authorised push payment fraud

New rules on reimbursing victims are likely to have significant industry impact

Law Commission report positions UK as a centre for digital asset disputes

Long-awaited paper identifies the strength of English common law in addressing legal issues arising from digital assets
Banking and finance

Is Quincecare retired or restrained by the UK Supreme Court's unanimous decision?

The ruling in Philipp v Barclays found that the bank did not owe a duty to its customer in authorised

What are the implications of the EU Data Act for smart contract operators?

EU policymakers finalise long-anticipated new data rules that have far-reaching significance for smart contracts
Financial Services

FCA re-emphasises its commitment to financial services culture in response to UK Treasury Committee

FCA responds to letter on non-financial misconduct and firm culture ahead of its appearance before Committee