GDPR for HR: 12 month glance back and look forwards - Seminar and networking event

In this, our second in person 'GDPR for HR' event, we will look back at privacy developments over the last 12 months as well as what is fast approaching while considering the impacts of all these changes on the processing of HR related data.

Did you know...

  • Covert workplace monitoring can only occur in exceptional circumstances, for example where there is suspected criminal activity or gross misconduct.
  • EU whistleblowing law has recently changed impacting on the approach to receiving and investigating whistleblowing reports - many businesses are updating their internal whistleblowing policies and procedures to comply with the EU Whistleblowing Directive, as well as resulting local whistleblowing law changes. Whistleblowing practices need to be compliant with local data protection laws and the UK/EU GDPR.
  • A settlement or non-disclosure agreement, as well as employment tribunal proceedings and ongoing grievance processes, cannot override an individual's right to obtain a copy of their personal information. 
  • While the EU AI Act will not apply in the UK, it will affect UK businesses operating in the EU, making it necessary to establish an AI governance programme in good time for the relevant legislative deadlines.
  • Biometric data is not always special category biometric data – this is a fairly common misinterpretation of the provisions of the UK (and EU) GDPR on biometric data. Recent draft ICO guidance explains that the purpose for which an organisation uses biometric data is the determining factor in whether it is special category biometric data.
  • The global brain-monitoring technology market could be worth $17.1bn by 2026 but will bring ethical and legal challenges, including the risk of discriminatory practices and potential for privacy concerns.

We'll be looking at these issues and others including the latest on data regulation, ICO employment guidance and overseas data transfers.

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17:15 - 18:40 GMT