Getting your people proposition right is often crucial to the success of an early-stage business. 

Your people will help grow your company and achieve your long-term strategy. Making sure that your workforce is on a sound legal footing also goes to value as an employment law misstep could be costly.

Our employment and workforce team advise our venture clients on achieving the best outcomes for their business in a challenging recruitment market.

  • Business protection It is vital that relationships, information, assets and opportunities generated by your workforce are protected and belong to the company. Our team can help put your business on the strongest footing from bespoke restrictive covenants and confidentiality provisions through to professional networking / social media restrictions. When a key individual leaves, we can immediately help you to assess the threat and take action to minimise the risks to your business and reputation.
  • Flexible workforce Many start-ups need to be flexible with their labour requirements. You might need to hire consultants to deliver a particular project, or agency workers to supplement your workforce at times of high demand. Our team has a deep understanding of the issues and requirements around using contingent workers and are experts on managing the labour law, tax and regulatory risks around them.
  • Business immigration In a globally competitive environment, you will want to recruit the best people wherever they are in the world. Our immigration team can support you and your key individuals ensuring they are able to enter or remain in the UK, as well as assist with the requirements of your business visitors.  
  • HR compliance When you are busy focussing on your core business, don't forget your legal obligations to your employees. We can help you put in place the employment contracts and policies you need, make sure you comply with equal opportunities obligations and avoid discrimination claims, advise on your health & safety obligations and best practice to promote wellbeing and avoid burnout in your workforce and help to reduce the reputational risk that can arise from a disgruntled employee.