Unser Kölner Büro befindet sich direkt neben dem Best Western Plus Hotel Köln City an der Inneren Kanalstraße 15. Der Eingang zu unseren Geschäftsräumen befindet sich direkt rechts neben dem Hoteleingang.

Wie Sie uns finden


Vom Flughafen Köln-Bonn fahren regelmäßig die Straßenbahn S19 (Richtung Düren) sowie die Regionalzüge RE6 (Richtung Minden(Westf)) und RE8 (Richtung Mönchengladbach Hbf) zum Kölner Hauptbahnhof.


Der Kölner Hauptbahnhof ist an das internationale Bahnnetz angeschlossen. Von hier können Sie mit der Straßenbahn 18 (Richtung Bonn, Hauptbahnhof) oder der Linie 16 (Richtung Bonn, Bad Godesberg) zwei Stationen bis zur Haltestelle Neumarkt fahren. Dort steigen Sie in die Straßenbahn 1 (Richtung Weiden West) oder Linie 7 (Richtung Frechen-Benzelrath) um und fahren drei Haltestellen bis zur Haltestelle Universitätsstr. Von dort aus sind es nur noch wenige Minuten zu Fuß bis zu unserer Adresse, Innere Kanalstr. 15. Oder Sie nehmen einfach eine der vielen Taxen am Hauptbahnhof bis zu unserem Büro.


GPS: Stellen Sie als Ziel die Ecke Innere Kanalstraße/Weinsbergstraße ein.

Vor Ort haben wir für unsere Besucher eine begrenzte Anzahl Parkplätze reserviert.

Supporting our clients at this time

As the situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) develops, we want to do all we can to ensure the safety of our people, our clients, and their families while still offering an uninterrupted and full service to our clients.

We are continuing to follow government advice regarding remote and socially distanced working, and we are currently holding client meetings and events online and/or by phone where possible.

Our approach

More and more businesses are facing change on multiple fronts – with that comes disruption, but also opportunity. Which is possibly why we’ve always been happy to embrace change. The opportunities it creates intrigue and fascinate us – because it’s those opportunities which enable us to help our clients succeed.

It’s the challenge of change we like. When you really know your stuff, when you are out-and-out experts, then using that expertise to think differently, to see round corners and to find better solutions is what makes being an expert fun.

For a while now – in fact, before anyone else – we looked at our clients’ legal issues in the context of their sector. Our sector-based approach means we can advise our clients, not just comprehensively, but also commercially. We can give the best advice to help them to tackle the issues they’re facing today, and help them prepare for the ones that they will face tomorrow. Disruption has become a business norm, and for our clients it’s not a question of “Is change happening?” – it’s “How quickly, and across how many areas?”.


50.9398471, 6.9240678

Office Address

Innere Kanalstr. 15 50823 Cologne Deutschland

Our Culture

One of the things that enables us to think differently is our culture. We have a great culture and, time and time again, it’s acknowledged as being outstanding. And what’s great about that is it brings and keeps the best people working for us – plus, it attracts innovative and approachable clients, who think like us. Our culture is fundamental to our success. So we cherish and protect it, we live by our values and reward the behaviours that support them. And our clients value this as much as our people. For us, stuffy stereotypes and fussy formality have been left in the past – where they belong. We push forward because we don’t have time for rigid hierarchies and inflated egos, but we make time for energy and ambition. And let’s not forget a big part of being the law firm of the future is reflecting the changing world around us. So we’re committed to welcoming diversity, promoting innovation and celebrating success.

Germany Unsere neuen Insights