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Energy and Energy Transition
Netherlands' Shell judgment does not spell end of reduction obligations for undertakings
The ruling is open to appeal and may prove pyrrhic for those internationally that fear judge-imposed reduction targets
Real estate
Navigating environmental obligations in Belgium
Belgian legislators in the three Regions (Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia) are increasingly using real estate transactions to pursue their environmental
L’Union européenne renforce son arsenal dans la lutte contre la criminalité environnementale
La législation adoptée introduit des « infractions qualifiées » pour criminaliser les atteintes graves à l'environnement et remplace la directive
Energy and Energy Transition
EU's new RED III legislation significantly raises renewable energy targets for 2030
RED III has provisions for industry, transport, building and permits and must be transposed to national law by mid-2025
Energy and Energy Transition
Belgium is set for competitive tenders for offshore Princess Elisabeth Zone
Developers and investors can prepare to bid after the issue of tender principles for Belgium's second offshore wind zone
Sustainable disruption: 12 decarbonising technologies for cities
New research by Economist Impact, supported by Osborne Clarke, has identified 12 technologies that can help cities achieve their carbon-emission
Sustainable disruption: 12 decarbonising technologies for cities | Scorecard
The scorecard: examining each technology's impact, scalability and city level investment
Sustainable disruption: 12 decarbonising technologies for cities | Infographic
A new research programme by Economist Impact, supported by Osborne Clarke, identifies technologies that can help cities achieve their carbon-emission
Sustainable disruption: 12 decarbonising technologies for cities | Data workbook
Explore the full results of the research programme
Energy and Energy Transition
La transition énergétique - Le gouvernement publie les résultats de la consultation sur le marché des capacités, une nouvelle pompe à chaleur sera installée à Londres et la stratégie britannique en matière d'hydrogène sera publiée en juillet.
Cette semaine, nous nous intéressons aux résultats de la consultation sur l'amélioration du marché de capacité, à la nouvelle installation