Our team helps domestic and international clients get their products to customers in an efficient, cost-effective and compliant manner. We work with them to set up new routes to market, which may involve establishing or restructuring international distribution networks or cross-border agency relationships, advising on internet retailing operations, franchise agreements and retail concessions, and dealing with exports, imports and parallel trade issues.

We have helped clients restructure wholesale distribution networks, advised on the practical application of the vertical agreements block exemption regulation to distribution agreements, helped establish pan-European direct and indirect distribution and reseller arrangements, and advised on the implications of terminating multiple agency relationships.

Much of our work in this field is international. We routinely work alongside colleagues in different jurisdictions to devise and implement cross-border routes to market.

Getting products to market in an effective and compliant manner is crucial. We help clients pick the right sales channels to seize new market opportunities. We will guide you through the rules and the risks to maximise business growth.
