Monaco based Cedemo is a leading product content specialist for the toy and entertainment sectors. Cedemo manages mission critical marketing, video, image, purchasing and pricing information for over 200 manufacturers and publishers, Cedemo services a large network of international blue-chip e-commerce and omni-channel retailers. Cedemo is GDSN certified and also a certified Catalogue Service Provider for the Amazon Feed Service. Cedemo is mainly focused on the French market working for leading retailers such as Cdiscount, Ama-zon, Jouet Club, Micromania, E.Leclerc and Cultura, with content from global brands including Lego, Epoch d’Enfance, Mattel, Playmobil, EA and Ubisoft.

Icecat, located in the Netherlands and listed on the NPEX stock exchange since 2017, is a profitable and fast-growing online publisher and syndicator of product information and product reviews for the global ecommerce market. Icecat operates worldwide for tens of thousands of platforms such as Amazon, Google, Alibaba, Rakuten, and hundreds of brands, including HP, Intel, Microsoft, Philips, Akzo, TomTom, DELL, Lego, L’Oréal and Akzo Nobel.

The acquired toys and entertainment business encompasses, besides toys, categories such as video games, games, licensed products, video games accessories and digital video games. The acquisition is expected to add 10% to Icecat's annual sales growth and no direct impact on profitability is expected.

Cedemo was advised by Osborne Clarke Amsterdam, which team was led by corporate partner Herke van Hulst and included senior associate Marie-Louise Weeda, associate Guusje Cornelissen, partner and civil-law notary Cars Jan van Gool, tax partner Job van der Pol, senior associate Coen Barneveld Binkhuysen and associate Barry Breedijk, as well as partners Anna Williams (UK) and Catherine Olive (France).

Osborne Clarke’s corporate team is a go-to practice for companies in the Tech, Media and Comms sector, working with both global businesses and fast-growth market challengers. The team advises at every stage of company development across all corporate matters, from equity and debt fundraisings, to M&A, IPOs and JVs.

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