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Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | What does the general election mean for upcoming changes to energy regulation?

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero
Employment and pensions

Dutch employers will need to report employee's work-related CO2 emissions from July

A time-consuming search for data at the time of the reporting deadline can, however, be avoided
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | National Grid announces accelerated connection dates for over 200 projects

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Ofgem supports latest grid connections reform proposals

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
Energy and Utilities

One step closer to the Spanish sustainable mobility

The Sustainable Mobility Draft Bill begins its urgent parliamentary procedure in order to become effective during 2024
Energy and Utilities

ESO proposes the retrospective application of the 'first ready, first connected' approach for GB grid

Radical reforms to the grid connection process have been proposed to address the urgent issue of grid connection delays
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Grid connections queue to be re-jigged

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
Energy and Utilities

Smart Power | UK energy market strategy in 2025, repowering and ethical supply chains

Welcome to the latest edition of Smart Power, Osborne Clarke's specialist service for asset managers within the green energy sector.
ESG, sustainability and responsible business

EU strengthens its arsenal in fight against environmental crime

Revised legislation brings in 'qualified' offences to criminalise serious environmental damage and replaces the 2008 law
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Ofgem's new rules for the non-domestic energy sector

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
International expansion and growth

Setting sail globally: launching internationally in an interconnected world

Launching a business internationally can be a game-changer but comes with its own set of challenges and considerations
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Ofgem's vision for a clean, affordable and secure energy system

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.