Energy and Utilities

Energy Innovation podcast | Moving to a hydrogen economy: how do we overcome the challenges?

Published on 24th Apr 2023

Understanding business models, the need for blending and supply chains 

In the latest episode of Osborne Clarke's Energy Innovation podcast series, Hugo Lidbetter interviews Steve Boughton, RWE’s UK director for hydrogen development.
Together they explore the role of hydrogen in the future energy system, the trend of bringing together different technologies (generation and demand) in centralised energy hubs, and funding models and incentives for these projects. They also touch on the challenge of matching production with demand, the need for hydrogen blending, and how the UK can keep pace with international developments to be at the vanguard of an emerging global hydrogen economy. 

Find out more about the series and listen to other episodes.

If you would like more information on any of the points discussed, please see our hydrogen flyer or contact the expert listed below.


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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