Osborne Clarke has advised the job platform Instaffo on a recently successfully completed financing round: The Düsseldorf-based private equity fund Crosslantic Capital is investing EUR 10 million in the Heidelberg-based scale-up.

Simplifying recruiting processes using artificial intelligence (AI) to counteract the shortage of skilled labour: That is the mission of Instaffo, founded in 2017 by Christoph Zöller and Nikolai Gulatz. The Heidelberg-based scale-up wants to revolutionise the recruitment industry with its job platform, where potential applicants can discover jobs that perfectly match their requirements thanks to AI-supported match-making and transparent job profiles. An easy way to make contact further reduces the application effort and connects companies and talents directly. A win-win situation: over 1,800 companies use Instaffo to fill their vacancies in the tech and sales sector in less than 25 days and at significantly lower costs than with headhunters, social recruiting or internal active sourcing. Instaffo claims to be three times more effective than conventional job portals or other recruiting methods.

The private equity investor Crosslantic Capital is now supporting this approach with EUR 10 million. The financial injection will flow directly into the further development of the platform, the expansion of existing business areas and the development of new segments such as marketing, consulting and finance in order to consolidate and expand Instaffo's position as a pioneer in the recruitment market. “With the help of the financing, we are now a good deal closer to our vision of becoming the central point of contact for the recruitment of specialists and executives in Europe,” says Zöller.

The Osborne Clarke team that advised Instaffo under the lead of Fabian Mimberg and the partner responsibility of Nicolas Gabrysch consisted of Benedikt Hülsmann (all Corporate / VC) and Dr Jens Wrede (Tax).

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