International legal practice Osborne Clarke's UK Managing Partner Ray Berg has been recognised as one of the UK's biggest (male) champions of gender equality by Management Today, the trade title for the Institute of Directors (IOD).

In partnership with the Women's Business Council and Sky, the IOD want to shine a spotlight on the army of male leaders who are demonstrably accelerating women in business, driving gender equality initiatives, shattering glass ceilings and challenging the status quo.

Nominated for the strong pro-diversity and equality messages, under Berg’s leadership, the firm has introduced a wide range of initiatives focused on diversity, social mobility and wellbeing that have led to greater engagement amongst employees and recognition from industry bodies.

"My background informs my attitude and diversity is something I am incredibly passionate about.  That's why, when I took over as Managing Partner I ensured diversity would be the centrepiece of our people strategy. It’s a proven that diversity improves creativity and innovation;  that’s increasingly what our clients and our people expect," said Ray.

Ray is a trustee of the Social Mobility Business Partnership and sits on the steering committee of RollOnMonday a programme that works with St Mungo’s to break the cycle of homelessness. He is also involved in supporting Bristol’s SteppingUp Programme, which aims to encourage more people from BAME backgrounds into senior leadership roles across Bristol. And in the last year, under Ray’s leadership, the firm has launched female progression initiatives, networking groups for LGBT+ and BAME and is in the process of setting up a disability network.

In 2019, Ray was shortlisted for Champion of the Year at the Inspirational Women in Law Awards and also for Managing Partner of the Year at the Legal Business Awards.

The firm was awarded best Corporate Culture in 2019 by the Managing Partners Forum and has ranked in the top five of RollOnFriday’s independent Firm of the Year employee survey for the last three years, scoring highly for its friendly culture and management. Osborne Clarke was also commended for its Osborne Clarke Solutions work at the FT Innovative Lawyer Awards in 2017 and 2018.

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