International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised Universal Health Services, Inc (“UHS“) on its £377 million acquisition of Cambian Group plc’s Adult Services Division.

UHS is a Fortune 500 company based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and is one of the largest hospital management companies in the United States. Cambian Group plc is one of the largest providers of specialist behavioural health services for children and adults in the UK.

UHS’s acquisition of the Cambian Adult Services Division will add 81 behavioural facilities with 1,193 beds to the Cygnet family in the U.K, which UHS acquired in 2014. These facilities provide care to adults with mental health disorders, intellectual disabilities, autism, personality disorders and acquired brain conditions. This brings the total of UHS’s facilities to 102, with approximately 2,250 beds in the U.K.

The transaction completed on 28 December 2016.

The Osborne Clarke team that advised on the transaction was led by Partner Russell Van Praagh, who was assisted by Associate Director Tom Try and Associate Seamus McKimm.

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