International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised Megaport Limited (ASX:MP1) on its acquisition of internet hub ECIX. With the acquisition, the Australian network service provider extends its presence in Europe.

Megaport is the world’s leading supplier of elastic interconnection services. The company’s global platform allows customers to connect their network with other services via SDN (Software Defined Networking) in the Megaport Fabric. Customers can control the services via mobile devices, computer and open API.

ECIX is operated by Berlin-based Peering GmbH. It is German’s second largest internet hub with connection points in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Frankfurt.

The Osborne Clarke team that advised on the takeover was led by Partner Nicolas Gabrysch, who was assisted by Dr Benjamin Monheim, Till-Manuel Saur (all Corporate), Jan Kielwein (Employment law) und Felix Hilgert (IT law).

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