International legal practice Osborne Clarke has advised indurad on a EUR 4 million equity investment from Jolimont Global Mining Solutions, Melbourne, Australia.

indurad was founded in 2008 as a spin-off of RWTH Aachen University, in Germany. Its team consists of more than 100 employees globally with offices in Germany, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Chile and South Africa. indurad is the global leader in radar-based automation and productivity solutions for mine sites, train loadouts, stockyard equipment and shiploading facilities. Their patented 2D and 3D radar systems are installed at mining operations and ports worldwide to increase ore throughput and minimise downtime and collisions.

Jolimont Global Mining Solutions is a global private equity group that invests in high growth mining equipment, technology and services companies.

Indurad's key reason for selecting Jolimont as an investor was its strong network in the mining industry and deep understanding of innovative technologies. Jolimont invested in indurad for its best-in-class radar systems, the glowing testimonials from its customers and partners in terms of value delivered, and the high calibre of their engineering and management team.

An Osborne Clarke team led by Robin Eyben advised indurad on this investment. The team also included Maximilian Vocke.

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