International legal practice Osborne Clarke advised Capnamic Ventures on an investment in Statice. The venture capitalist Westtech was also involved in the multi-million seed financing.

Statice was founded in 2018 by Mikhail Dyakov, Sebastian Weyer and Omar Ali Fdal. The Berlin-based software company anonymises sensitive data in a manner that preserves its statistical features. This enables companies to process and analyse personal data without violating data protection regulations such as GDPR. Customers are primarily hospitals and pharmaceutical companies that work with sensitive health data. Statice intends to use the money from the financing round to expand its services to the financial and insurance sectors. The new data sets can then be used to train applications for artificial intelligence, for example.

Capnamic is a venture capital firm founded in 2013 with offices in Cologne and Berlin. The company invests in both B2B and B2C sectors. The company focuses on start-ups from emerging sectors such as mobile, software-as-a-service, IoT, finTech, mobility or eHealth, that currently are in the early-stage phases.

An Osborne Clarke team led by corporate and venture capital Partner Nicolas Gabrysch advised Capnamic Ventures on the investment. The team included Konstantin Ewald, Judith Hoffmann, Felix Hilgert (all IT) and Sonja Riedemann (Employment).

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