Founders Factory is an ambitious approach to early stage innovation and investing launched by Brent Hoberman, Henry Lane Fox and the team from Founders Forum. Founders Factory will cover six key sectors within technology and will be positioned between corporate investors in need of a custom approach to sector based innovation on one side and the largest community of European tech founders on the other.

Additionally, assets controlled by Digital Education, a wholly owned division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, will be transferred into Founders Factory to form part of the accelerator’s first investment cohort. These ‘EdTech’ companies focus on technology enabled education products and services and include EnglishUp, an online language tutoring service, and the UK’s award winning online tutoring service Maths Doctor.

The Osborne Clarke team that advised on the transaction was led by Corporate Partner Mathias Loertscher, with support from Tax Partner Michael Bell and Corporate Associate William Nicolson.

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